Demanding, endearing, sensitive yet strong.
She's more about right; rather than wrong!
Sturdy as an oak with the grace of a willow,
Her backbone is steel; her lap like a pillow.
Provocative, annoying, steadfast and true.
Always close by; she'll be there for you.
Fiercely protective of all those in her care,
She’ll be unforgiving for treatment unfair!
She’s delightful, amusing, serious and smart.
An intelligent mind; she speaks with her heart.
Her words and her actions stay hand in hand,
She's anchored in marble; not balanced on sand!

With a woman’s grace and a wisdom grown of years,
She looks ever outward from within her tiny sphere.
She’s done what she can to guide her child in life;
She’s been there for loved ones, she’s been a good wife.
She’s stayed by his side when he faltered or failed,
She covered his back when his focus was paled.
She has taken the lead when her strength was the greatest,
She forgiven, and forgiven, when paths weren’t the straightest!
With her twilight approaching, her focus is varying.
She’s lightening her load, has less to be carrying.
Her apron strings have frayed; her wedding ring is tight,
She’s ready for a change; to let all her dreams take flight.
Rejoice in all that surrounds you.
Be grateful each and every day.
Don’t mourn over past intrusions.
Don’t bemoan what has gotten away.
Forget wrongs that can’t be righted.
Don’t dwell on a broken past.
Seek every day’s happiness joyfully.
Reach out; embrace love; hold fast!

Martie Zuckerman (nee Martha Wilson) formerly of Amherst, Massachusetts currently resides in the Tampa area of Florida with her husband, Brian and their two rescue cats ~ Milo and Riley.